Monday, April 11, 2011

In English,please.

Hello dears.Today has been a good day.Tom's been back at work,I feel ready for the upcoming looong week.My lovely man is going to work six days non stop,so I hope he and his back will be okay.Feel love,sun and energy charged from the weekend that has been.Lovely grandad Joe came today,and Lughie is,as always,so happy to see his beloved "farfart".I feel so blessed having people around that genuinely care for my children.Think there's few other things in life that brings you so much satisfaction as watching your child play and interact with another people close to their heart.My childrens happiness is also mine,so if you want my love,befriend my children ;-)

We went to a park nearby,as the daughter to a close friend of Joe's celebrated her 11th birthday.It was just lovely in the sun when the sky finally cleared.It was actually raining this morning for the first time in days.The plants in the garden are happy now!(not the clothes I've put up to dry though.Just soaked haha..think I need to work a bit harder on the housewife image ;-)

Lughan straight away found some "older" girls to play with....It was so cute to see them play together,he thoroughly enjoyed being treated like a prince by the gorgeous girlies.All happy and smiles as they were swinging him up in the air....Strong girls,I have to say.L was almost their size ;-)

We ate some chocolates and I chatted to some other yummy mummies and just chilled.Uma was not so chilled though,she's still having a really upset tummy,lots of colic.They normally say that it should linger off around the three months mark,but so far there's no signs of improvement.Two days to go my love,then the time is up hehe.I SAID THREE MONTHS!!!It better stop now ;-)
It's difficult to see her struggle,you just do what you can do with adjusting your diet,baby massage etc,but if things doesn't work,it doesn't work.Just have to pray she's feeling better soon.In between the colic sessions she is such a lovely,smiling little creature.She's almost shy when you smile towards her,as if she thinks,"don't smile at me all the time mummy,I get pink cheeks...Muuuummmy,stop it mummmy".Her smile is just heaven,it really is.Makes me teary thinking about it...

A friend of mine commented on one of my photos of me and Uma,and she said:"That must be the meaning of life".And yes.It really is for me.My children has saved me in all possible ways.I've gone through so much for having them.I'm still Nora,I'm still doing what I want to do in life,but nothing is as important or touches my heart the same way as my children do.For better for worse ;-)..It's such a challenge everyday to walk with your heart outside your body.The feeling of love is open and raw..Strong but vulnerable..Naked in a way..They are my blood.They are my bones.Every piece of their body,their skin.It's life for me!They are my oxygen.I will always live to see them live.It is by far,my biggest achievement and not a gift I take lightly.I'm just SO grateful that I'm allowed being a mum,because you can't take anything in life for granted.A lot of people will never stop longing after children,even though they never get the opportunity to have any of their own.Sometimes I think I should stop complaining about Emergency Cesereans when I in fact do have,to absolutely beautiful human beings as my children.And they are healthy!And I feel truly blessed.Through suffering comes joy,and I think God gave me a kiss of luck on my forehead the moment I became a mum.I am too a blessed child,having my children.It's a very humbling experience and I'm feeling very alive.

It is so holy.The moments,days and times we share together.I'm scared of time to go to quickly.I spend every awake moment with my kids,and yet I miss them when I go to sleep.Luckily I've got Uma in my arms while I'm writing this,and I also still co-sleeping with her in mine and Tom's bed..

I would like to figure out the perfect way of saying thanks to my children.I'm not one of those "perfect" mums who make baby books and write down exact moments that the child started to walk and so on.I'm not a classic mum at all.Not clean and tidy,not doing the ironing.

How can I tell you little tiny people how much I love you!?

L took my face in his hands and kissed me today.Snuggled my neck and stroked my arm with his warm,comforting hand.I think I will miss him a lot sometimes when he is growing older.Who wants to cuddle mummy when they are teenagers? ;-)

Solutions to that anyone?Think I need to have more children hahaha.My doctor is not going to be happy about that I think ;-)..With the infections and all.Nothing's gonna stop me ;-)

Lots of love.N.

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